Debian 9 Stretch 在 6 月 17 日釋出正式版,同時我們取得了 DebConf18 的主辦權,這是個舉辦活動的良好時機
活動 What:
- DebConf18 徵招義工 Call for Volunteers
- 金鑰簽名會 Key Signing Party
- 閃電講 Lightning talks
會場提供 Provided:
- 會場提供投影機、飲水機、無線網路。 Beamer, mineral water and Wi-Fi internet access provided on site.
- 可攜帶食物入場,但請將食用完的垃圾帶走。 Foods are allowed, but please take the garbage away.
- Debian 與 DebConf18 貼紙。 Stickers for Debian and DebConf18.
可以攜帶 Bring:
- 若要參加 KSP 請攜帶您的身份證件和金鑰列表紙本 Government issued ID and hard copy of key list for KSP
- 要分享的閃電講內容 Lightning talks if you want to bring something to us
- 要分享的午餐 Lunch to share
- 想要安裝 Debian 的筆電 Laptop if you want to install Debian on it